Clément Beaune announces that the penalty will “probably” be extended from 2024

“For ecological reasons”, Clément Beaune wants to tackle the weight of cars. The tax which affects new thermal cars weighing more than 1.8 tonnes on purchase in the form of a penalty will therefore “probably” be extended from the 2024 budget, the Minister Delegate for Transport said on Sunday.

“From 1.8 tonnes”, new thermal cars are subject to a tax, the application threshold of which “will be lowered gradually and probably from the finance bill for 2024”, declared Clément Beaune during the Grand RTL-Le Figaro-LCI Jury.

Act II of the energy sobriety plan

The heavier a vehicle is, the more materials it contains and the more energy it consumes to move, which increases its CO2 emissions and therefore global warming. This measure is thus part of the second part of the major energy sobriety plan presented on June 20 by the government. It accompanies measures such as encouraging carpooling, the purchase of refurbished telephones by the ministries, the ban on air conditioning in buildings below 26 degrees or even the mobilization of middle and high school students around 250,000 eco-delegates.

Car weight thresholds will be discussed as part of the 2024 finance bill, a government source added on Sunday.

On the other hand, the increase in the penalty for heavy cars will not affect electric vehicles in 2024, which emit less CO2 than those equipped with internal combustion engines running on fossil fuels. “You have to be consistent,” said the minister. “We are in a transition phase, we have to develop the electric vehicle in France and in Europe”, and it is “the sense of history to take weight criteria into account”, he said. he says.

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