Cleaning glasses: This is how glasses keep a clear view

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Cleaning glasses: How to properly clean sensitive glasses

Cleaning glasses is not rocket science, but you can still make mistakes

© Pheelings Media / Getty Images

Everyone who wears glasses knows the problem: you have just cleaned your glasses, and new smudges are already clouding your clear view. Frequent cleaning is not only annoying, it also damages the glasses. Find out what you can do about it here.

Most glasses today have plastic lenses because they are cheaper, although more sensitive: even the smallest dirt particles are enough to scratch the surfaces – especially if you use a cleaning cloth or piece of clothing to clean them. The textiles absorb the dirt from the glasses and act like a piece of sandpaper on the glasses. Ultimately, this means that the more often the glasses are cleaned with it, the faster they become dull and have to be replaced with new ones. Proper cleaning is crucial to ensure that your glasses last as long as possible. This article explains how to remove dirt and dust particles, streaks and streaks without damaging the lenses.

So you can clean your glasses on the go

If you take your glasses on the goIf you have to clean, you should always proceed as follows: First remove coarse dirt particles from the glasses, for example under running water – or you can simply blow them away. Grease stains can then be removed with a microfiber cloth or non-alcoholic cleaning cloths for glasses removed. The latter are particularly practical when you are out and about, even if they are disposable products and should therefore not be your first choice. So take the cloth and gently and without too much pressure run it parallel over both sides of the glasses in a circular motion to remove any dirt and grease stains. Stubborn streaks and streaks can be removed even better if you use an additional cleaning spray (e.g. from Zeiss) that you put on the microfiber cloth. The cleaning cloths are not suitable for this.

Here’s how you can clean your glasses at home

At home, there are only two ingredients you need to clean glasses: water and a drop of washing-up liquid. However, be careful not to use a moisturizing or skin-friendly product (with balm), as it could smudge the glasses or leave streaks on them. Now proceed as follows: Take a drop of washing-up liquid between your thumb and forefinger and distribute it with circular movements and without too much pressure on both sides of the glasses. Also clean the frame with the foam, as grease and sweat residues collect behind the temples and on the bridge. Then rinse the glasses under running, lukewarm water and then dry them carefully with a clean tea towel. Finally, you can still use the glasses with a microfiber cloth polish. Alternatively, you can also enter a ultrasonic device use to clean glasses.

Cleaning glasses: You should avoid these mistakes

  1. Do not use dirty lens cleaning cloths or those that contain alcohol. This primarily damages plastic lenses.
  2. Do not use aggressive cleaning agents or (window) glass cleaners to clean glasses, as they attack the glasses and the frame.
  3. When cleaning glasses, don’t put too much pressure on the delicate frame or it could warp.
  4. Never clean glasses in the dishwasher as the dishwashing liquid and salt will scratch the glasses.
  5. Do not use handkerchiefs or kitchen roll to clean the lenses as they can scratch the lenses.

Store glasses correctly: This is how it works

Last but not least, correct storage also has a positive effect on the longevity of your lenses: Always keep the frame in a clean and dust-free place case when you’re not wearing them – in such a way that the padded side of the glasses is wrapped in the supplied microfibre cloth. The cloth should always remain in the case, even when you are wearing the glasses, so that it does not come into contact with dirt particles. You can also wash it regularly (at a maximum of 40 degrees) to ensure that it is always clean. If you don’t have a case with you but want to put your glasses away, they must always be placed on the temples to protect the lenses from scratches. And one last tip is: Do not leave your glasses in the car during the warm summer months, as excessive temperatures can deform the frame or damage the lenses.

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