Classification – Sanna Marin: “She dances, sings, drinks – so what?”

What are the Finns saying about Prime Minister Sanna Marin’s latest party videos? Ilkka Ahtiainen, editor-in-chief of the television station mtv, classifies the reactions.

Jennie Roth

Of course, Sanna Marin is also talked about in Finland. It’s not news that the prime minister likes to celebrate. But the fact that videos of such nights are getting onto the Internet is new. And no wonder: After the first excerpt from a private party, a second one appeared on Friday, from the “Teatteri” club, where she dances with the singer and actor Olavi Uusivirta, among others. He’s hanging around her neck and it looks like he’s kissing Marin. In some Finnish media she is already circulating as “Bile-Sanna”, “Party-Sanna”.

Whether politics can be done with this name or even elections won? We asked Ilkka Ahtiainen, editor-in-chief of the television station mtv, for a classification.

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