Civil security helicopter crashes with five people on board, one dead

A helicopter crashed this Sunday afternoon in Isère, while it was on its way to a rescue operation in the Villars de Lans sector, in Isère. “A civil security helicopter crashed to the ground, with five members of the team (crew and rescuers) on board,” said a press release from the prefecture, which has not yet communicated on the results of the accident. But one person would have died in the accident according to the Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin.

Gérald Darmanin on site Monday

“I extend my condolences to the family and colleagues of the civil security mechanic who died in the accident of a helicopter going into intervention with 5 people on board. All my support for the large family of civil security and mountain rescue “, posted on Twitter Gerald Darmanin. The Minister of the Interior indicated that he would go to the site on Monday morning to meet the gendarmes and civil security agents.

According to Dauphiné Liberated, the aircraft crashed shortly before 4:30 p.m., and a witness questioned by the newspaper believed that the aircraft would have caught fire after the impact. “Rescue operations are currently underway with the support of land and air resources”, assures the prefecture, which specifies that the causes of the accident are for the moment undetermined.

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