Citizens vote against large development area – Bavaria

The citizens of Lindau rejected the designation of a large development area with a three-quarters majority. In the referendum on Sunday, 5,548 citizens voted against the new apartments on Lindau Island and only 1,902 in favor. This corresponded to a rejection of the referendum by 74.5 percent of voters, the city announced on Monday. Almost 20,000 citizens were called to vote.

The referendum was about a previous parking lot on the edge of the historic center of the city on Lake Constance. The background is that the island has been losing population for decades – in contrast to parts of the city on the mainland. “The consequences are too much tourism in the season and empty streets and closed shops and restaurants in autumn and winter,” the city justified the construction plans. The city therefore wanted to create 300 to 350 apartments especially for families. The municipality wanted to ensure that no property speculators would take over the site. “Housing for all” was promised. For example, housing cooperatives should be given a chance.

Opponents of the project had argued, among other things, that the planned development of the so-called rear island was far too bulky. According to a citizens’ initiative, the city will lose “a lot of its unique charm and thus a lot of the magical attraction that draws visitors just as much as Lindauer does to us.” “We are convinced that the island cannot tolerate this type of development.”

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