Cinemas in Bavaria are funded with 835,000 euros – Bavaria

The best cinema in Bavaria when it comes to programming is the Casablanca Filmkunsttheater. According to the Film-TV Fund Bavaria (FFF), the top bonus of 20,000 euros went to the cinema operators in Nuremberg. “With its special overall concept, the cinema managed to maintain attendance figures even during the corona pandemic,” said the laudation.

In total, the FFF recently honored 78 cinemas in Landshut for their outstanding programming. A total of 835,000 euros were distributed. The amount of the premiums, which are largely financed by the Free State, range from 7,500 to 20,000 euros. In 2023, higher funding was available again than in the pre-pandemic years.

In Munich, 13 cinemas can look forward to bonuses of varying amounts: the ABC Cinema, the Arena Filmtheater, the City Cinemas, the Sendlinger Tor Filmtheater, the Solln Cinema, the Leopold Cinemas, the Monopol, the New Maxim, the New Rex, the Neue Rottmann, the Studio Isabella, the Theatiner and the workshop cinema.

“Even in difficult times, the cinemas have continued to invest in order to remain attractive to a broad audience. It is the success of the creative cinema operators in Bavaria that audiences from all age groups are flocking back to the cinema,” said Media Minister Florian Herrmann. “The FFF Bavaria has also provided the highest funding amount in ten years with funds from the Bavarian State Government from its cinema investment funding program.”

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