Ciarán Hinds: “GoT” star plays in “Rings of Power”.

Ciaran Hinds
“GoT” star plays in “Rings of Power”.

Ciarán Hinds becomes part of the “Lord of the Rings” universe.

© imago/Pixsell

The cast of the second season of The Rings of Power is growing. A Game of Thrones star and 007 companion relocate to Middle-earth.

Prime Video was able to attract well-known stars for the second season of the large-scale “Lord of the Rings” series “The Rings of Power”. As the manufacturing company Amazon has announced, “Game of Thrones” star Ciarán Hinds (70) will travel to Middle-earth in the new episodes of Westeros. In the HBO series he had embodied the king beyond the wall, Manke Rayder. It is not yet clear which part the Oscar-nominated (“Belfast”) Hinds will play in “Rings of Power”.

A second newcomer should be known to fans of the series “Penny Dreadful” or from the latest “James Bond” films: Rory Kinnear (45) has been in “Quantum of Solace” since 2008 as Bill Tanner, the chief of staff Intelligence Director M, worked in Her Majesty’s service. Which side he will be on in “Rings of Power” has also not yet been revealed.

The third name is Tanya Moodie (50). So far, the actress has mainly attracted attention in series, for example in “Motherland”, “A Discovery of Witches” or “The Clinic”. She also had a small role in the conclusion of the new “Star Wars” trilogy, “The Rise of Skywalker”.

Other stars have been certain for a long time

Sam Hazeldine (50) was previously cast for a supporting role. The “Peaky Blinders” star replaces Joseph Mawle (48) as orc leader Adar. Mawle’s departure after just one season was made public at the end of last year.

Joining Hazeldine are Gabriel Akuwudike (“1917”), Yasen Atour (“The Witcher”), Ben Daniels (“The Crown”), Nia Towle (“Rocketman”), Nicholas Woodeson (“Firebird”) and newcomer Amelia Kenworthy to the series, as it was then called.

The first season of The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power has been available on Prime Video since September. A date for the second season, which is currently filming in the UK, has not yet been announced. However, it is not expected until 2024 at the earliest.


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