Christophe Hondelatte arrives with his show on Canal +

Christophe Hondelatte will be back on the small screen. His show Hondelatte tells, broadcast on Europe 1 since 2016, will be adapted next year on Canal +, announced the journalist at JDD.

“It will be a TV transposition of the Europe 1 program. With a dedicated set and completely innovative technology, never used to date in France. I say no more, ”said the journalist, whose talents as storytellers have made it successful. In October, Médiamétrie had recorded 9.6 million downloads of the show Hondelatte tells, that is to say an increase of 50% in one year.

Far from the Alain Decaux style

If for the time being, “no specific date has been set”, the principle of the TV show will be “simple”, according to Christophe Hondelatte. It will be “a story facing the camera by a narrator who is more of an actor than he has ever been. But it will not look like what Alain Decaux did in his time, namely a guy facing the camera in front of a table with a carafe of water and a glass ”, it will be“ a real staging ”.

However, it will not be in uncharted waters. The journalist indeed presented from 2000 to 2011, the program Let the accused enter on France 2.

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