Christophe Galtier hopes for three more recruits by the end of the transfer window

Like what he has shown to see since his arrival at the club, Christophe Galtier appeared very comfortable on Thursday for what will remain as his very first Ligue 1 pre-match press conference. (travel to Clermont on Saturday) as PSG coach. A first conf which will have been marked by a rather comical scene.

While talking about the return of Kylian Mbappé (after his suspension during the Champions Trophy), Galtier was bothered by noises coming from an adjoining room, which somewhat annoyed him. “They are making a move there, right? No kidding…” he said in a tone that didn’t leave much room for laughs. There followed a small silence, a glare, then the coach regained his smile and addressed the journalists with a smile: “Sorry, it’s the first! “.

Galtier announces the color for the end of the transfer window

The rest went off without a hitch, the Bobs handymen next door having obviously understood the message. For about twenty minutes, the Parisian coach discussed many subjects, in particular that of the transfer window, while the formalization of the arrival of his former player in Lille Renato Sanches is only a matter of hours. When a colleague asked him the number of recruits he was still waiting for “in an ideal world”, the Marseillais was clear: “Three”.

“Afterwards, there is the difficulty of the transfer window, he developed. The president and Luis Campos are working a lot on this. We are not here to stack players either. I want a certain number of players in my squad, players who are very close in terms of level to perform well throughout the season and also create healthy competition. But will these three players arrive quickly, later or not at all? I do not know. I know that the club is doing everything to have a very competitive squad. »

While the club is working to let go – the departures of Gueye (Everton), Wijnaldum (AS Roma), Paredes (Juventus) and Kalimuendo (Rennes, Leeds) are at the center of current negotiations – PSG are still looking for a versatile central defender , even a midfielder and a striker.

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