Christmas presents: cigarettes for non-smokers and other bad ideas

Cigarettes for non-smokers and jerseys from rivals: users talk about their worst Christmas presents

Saying “thank you” nicely – with some gifts it’s not that easy

© Black Lollipop / Getty Images

Sure, you should be grateful for gifts. But some are just rash, careless or even hurtful – and sometimes you are just unlucky.

A gift horse and so on … but with some gifts you really wonder what the idea is. Because even if they may be well-intentioned, they can cause the recipient to be alienated or even hurt.

In a thread on Reddit, various users of the social media platform talked about their worst Christmas presents. Among them were some curious objects, some disappointments and also some presents, for which someone apparently had no thought at all about what might suit the recipient.

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Towels, trousers and toothbrushes for children – the disappointment is great

In such cases, it is particularly difficult for children who were looking forward to Christmas and who may have submitted a specific wish list beforehand. However, some users had long faces when they were giving presents: one reported being given a towel at the age of eight, while another was given a pair of trousers when he was six. “In retrospect, a meaningful gift,” he admits, but at the time he wasn’t really happy about it. Another user received an electric toothbrush from a one-euro shop from his grandmother – the device couldn’t even be switched on.

In other cases it almost seems as if the donor is trying to play a nasty trick on the other person. For example, when the gift is exactly the opposite of what someone actually wanted. A user reports on his father’s experience: he was enthusiastic about playing drums in his youth. In fact, his parents gave him a musical instrument – a guitar.

As a teenager, a sports-loving user asked his aunt to wear a Seattle Seahawks jersey, a football team. What about the aunt? Gave him a Chicago Bulls shirt – and it wasn’t just wrong with the team, but also with the sport. The Bulls play basketball after all. “At least the size was right,” recalls the user.

A ticket for James Brown, who died the same day

Many other users also had similar stories up their sleeves: some were treated unfairly compared to their siblings, someone was given a craft kit for Christmas as a child after their parents had suggested for weeks that they had obtained a puppy – and one user had one Pack of cigarettes under the Christmas tree. Not a good present for him as he didn’t smoke at all.

A music fan shared a bitter experience, for which nobody really could do anything: he had given the rest of his family tickets for a concert by soul legend James Brown on Christmas Day 2006, everyone was really happy about it. A few minutes after the presents had been unwrapped, word came that Brown had died.

Source: Reddit


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