Christmas party at Johnson: “only wine and cheese”

As of: December 8th, 2021 5:07 p.m.

Reports of a Christmas break at his official residence during the lockdown period put British Prime Minister Johnson well on the defensive. While Johnson is still denying everything, there was a first resignation.

By Christoph Prössl, ARD-Studio London

Boris Johnson remains: There was no Christmas party at 10 Downing Street, the prime minister’s residence, the politician defended himself during Question Time in the House of Commons. Nevertheless, there should be an internal investigation into the events, announced the prime minister.

British media have been reporting for days that there should have been a party with 40 to 50 people in the prime minister’s official residence on December 18, 2020 – with drinks and snacks. At the time, strict contact restrictions were in place, England was in lockdown and the number of infections was high.

Celebrate first, then have fun

On Tuesday, the ITV television station published a explosive video showing how the former spokeswoman, Allegra Stratton, simulated a government press conference with employees. The video was apparently recorded shortly after the celebration. “Was there a party?” Asks a person from the off. “What should I answer,” asks the speaker? “It was just cheese and wine,” jokes another.

“Is ‘wine and cheese’ okay,” asks the spokeswoman, laughing to add, “was just a business meeting.” General exhilaration.

Opposition feels like they are being fooled

In the afternoon, Stratton submitted her resignation according to media reports. Whether Johnson uses this resignation or puts him even more under threat is now one of many open questions. Labor opposition leader Keir Starmer had said in parliament – before news of his resignation – that Johnson thought people were idiots and referred to the video:

They knew there was a party. They knew the rules had been broken. They knew they couldn’t admit it and they thought it was funny. It is obvious what happened.

Starmer remembered people who could not visit their relatives in the hospital at the time and were not allowed to say goodbye to the dying.

An appeal to the Tories

Scottish National Party (SNP) parliamentary group leader Ian Blackford called for the Prime Minister’s resignation. And into the Conservative benches, if Johnson doesn’t step down, it was time to act. Then he would just have to be deposed.

There is growing dissatisfaction with Johnson within the Conservative Party. A Tory leader told the BBC the prime minister apparently thought rules didn’t apply to his pals. “People who have been prevented by the government from seeing their dying relatives and friends again will feel fooled,” the politician was quoted as saying.

Debate about party in lockdown

Christoph Prössl, ARD London, December 8th, 2021 4:37 pm

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