Christine Westermann reads: “It’s always so eerily quiet with you”

Presenter, journalist and author Christine Westermann loves books. Here she presents her new discoveries every two weeks – this week the mother-daughter story “It’s always so incredibly quiet with you” by Alena Schröder.

Meat sausage or Tilsiter, that is the question in the end. I would take both. Silvia, the young woman who is the focus of Alena Schröder’s new novel, does the same. When it comes to the sandwiches her mother offers her, decides to do both. In their answer one could try to find a deeper meaning.

Sausage and cheese as a metaphor for the fact that life can sometimes be both. That you don’t have to constantly decide for or against something. Against living in a shared apartment in Berlin and for returning to my mother, who lives in a small town in southern Germany and hasn’t seen her daughter from Berlin for 18 years. As you will see in this clever and well-told novel, it’s possible to do both.

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