ChrisTine original claim about the Münster crime scene: Alberich remains – media

Good news for people who love bad jokes at the expense of physically handicapped people: Contrary to reports to the contrary, they willcrime scene continue to get what they expect from their television entertainment, namely a jaded professor Boerne (Jan Josef Liefers), who presents the short assistant Silke Haller (ChrisTine Ursprechen) with incredibly stupid sayings about her height and calls her “Alberich” – after the dwarf king , which is known, among other things, from the operas of Richard Wagner. The friends of the Münstercrime scene, of which there must be many, because with up to 14.5 million viewers it has the highest ratings among Sunday crime novels, appreciate this very special kind of humor from colleagues. The best you can say about him is that Ursprechen and Liefers play things in a way that makes it clear that the chemistry between the insulted and the insulted is somehow right (yes, that sounds questionable) – and assistant “Alberich” to the super-smart Boerne anyway is superior.

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