Christiane Taubira abandoned in the middle of the campaign by the Radical Left Party

Things are not looking good for Christiane Taubira, who is stagnating around 3% in the polls. This Monday, the president of the Radical Left Party (PRG), Guillaume Lacroix, announced that his party was “withdrawing” from his candidacy.

“My political party has gone all the way” and “is stepping back”, he declared during a press conference at party headquarters, noting “that nothing more can happen on the side of the left-wing parties and candidates.

The failure of the gathering

“There is no break, no break” with the candidacy of Christiane Taubira, he however defended himself, indicating that “the very clear mandate, from the start” was to “accompany a dynamic of gathering on the left” and not to “specifically support” the candidacy of the former Keeper of the Seals.

The president of the PRG repeated “to regret with anger and bitterness” the impasse on the left, “in a dramatic political moment for the country”, evoking “morbid passions to want to count sponsorships rather than voters”.

“To take the fight differently”

Support of Christiane Taubira since mid-December and until then a member of her close circle, Guillaume Lacroix now “recognizes” “the candidate to carry the fight differently, by youth, by citizens”. “The elected representatives of the PRG are free to sponsor as they see fit”, “without any pressure”, he further specified.

He specified that his sponsorship “will leave this evening” in favor of the former Minister of Justice. The Radical Left Party had however “funded the start of Ms. Taubira’s campaign until the popular Primary”, at the end of January, acknowledged Guillaume Lacroix.

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