Christian Drosten in the SZ interview: “Now Omikron is writing the rules” – health

The virologist Christian Drosten has become the republic’s chief clarifier in the pandemic. In the interview he talks about how science is dealt with in public, what surprised him about the virus and what Omikron means for Germany.

Interview by

Christina Berndt and Georg Mascolo

It’s shortly before Christmas, and because of Omikron and the new expert council, politicians have even more questions for Germany’s most prominent corona expert, the director of virology at the Charité. Nevertheless, Christian Drosten seems as calm as you know him from the podcast. The way to him: ornate through the little alleys of the brick buildings on the Charité site in Berlin-Mitte. Then the door to a very spacious executive office opens. Collected furniture, everything very sparse. It echoes.

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