Choupo-Moting should stay: A contract extension will be expensive for Bayern

Choupo-Moting should stay: A contract extension will be expensive for Bayern

Eric Maxim Choupo-Moting

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Bayern would like to extend Eric Maxim Choupo-Moting: The Cameroonian, who is being courted by Manchester United, would like a big salary.

Eric Maxim Choupo-Moting is currently even succeeding from the star ensemble of Bayern Munich to stand out again – and not negatively, but positively. The Cameroonian scores as he wants and also plays enormously for the team. It is therefore completely clear that the 33-year-old would also like to make a contract extension financially palatable.

Hardly anyone in Munich has been talking about it for a few weeks now Robert Lewandowski or complains that there is no centre-forward available. After all, Choupo-Moting leaves nothing to be desired with its current performance. Salihamidzic’s offspring Nick Salihamidzic recently even asked via Twitter whether Choupo-Moting is currently the best center forward in the world. A month ago this question would have sounded like a bad joke, now it has to be said that the 33-year-old is at least one of the best at the moment. It is also clear that the Bayern attacker cannot maintain this level forever, but it would certainly be valuable for the Munich team to extend the striker beyond 2023.

Choupo-Moting still a low earner: Bayern will probably have to dig deep into their pockets

Contract talks should after the WM take place – and will be quite expensive for FC Bayern. With a salary of 3.5 million euros, Choupo-Moting is currently one of the low earners. You don’t have to be a football professor to know that his salary would increase significantly if he were extended. According to IMAGEinformation, Choupo-Moting would like to dust off a big contract with the help of his advisor Roger Wittmann in the autumn of his career.

According to the tabloid, some top clubs have already expressed interest. Among other things, this should include Manchester United condition. Who would have thought that Choupo-Moting, once more famous for having a broken fax machine, could become Lewandowski’s successor and then Ronaldo’s successor?

FC Bayern certainly still has a few trump cards in their hands, but will have to stretch their finances. “We will definitely talk, we would like to keep him,” said Salihamidzic Sky90. Let’s see how far Munich will go to keep the suddenly world-class striker.

Everything about FC Bayern in 90 minutes:

This article was originally published on as Choupo-Moting should stay: A contract extension will be expensive for Bayern released.


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