Choosing your household appliances: the criteria to remember

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Your needs

Before buying a household appliance, it is important to take stock of your needs. Indeed, we do not choose the same type of household appliances if we are single, a childless couple or a large family, among others, because the frequency of usethe need for ability, lifestyle, etc. are not the same.

Take the example of the refrigerator: this will affect the necessary capacity, but possibly on the need to have or not an integrated freezer part, etc. Choosing a model that fits your lifestyle as closely as possible not only allows you to take full advantage of it and save money, but also to participate in the preservation of the planet. To find the model you need, you can explore the wide range of household appliances offered by honey.

The energy label

Once your needs have been defined, you will be able to take a closer look at the device in question. For this, the first thing to check is its energy consumption. Do not forget that, in a house, household appliances are among the most energy-consuming equipment.

L’energy label is there to help you, because it allows you to visualize at a glance performances and consumption level of each device. It should be noted that since March 2021, this label has undergone changes for dishwashers, washing machines, televisions and screens, as well as refrigerators and freezers: the acronyms “+++” are now non-existent, appliances are classified according to a scale from A to G based on their energy efficiency.

Gradually, other devices will be subject to the same label change. The general rule is:

  • dark green colorwhether A+++ (old version) or A (new version), designates the most economical class;
  • the Red colorwhether D (old version) or G (new version), designates the most energy-intensive class;
  • the further away from dark greenthe lower the energy efficiency.

To buy a truly less energy-consuming device, trust this label, because even if you pay more for the device, you will realize long-term savings.

Take the example of induction hobs: they are certainly more expensive to buy, but on a daily basis, they will prove to be much more economical, because their electricity consumption is much lower.

A silent appliance

Another point you should consider when choosing your future device is the decibels. Yes, the dishwasher, the hood, the refrigerator, etc., emit daily noises that can cause inconvenience. For a device that is truly silent, you must bet on a sound level of 45 decibels. However, this may vary depending on the type of appliance.

For example, you can opt for a noisier washing machine as long as the noisiest cycle, the spin cycle, is relatively short. The noise factor and the nuisance it can cause in your daily life should not be overlooked.

The aesthetic aspect

Of course, your tastes in color, shape, size, aesthetics will be taken into account at the time of your purchase. Indeed, these devices are often intended to be installed in the kitchen, so it is important that they integrate harmoniously into it to allow you to feel good at home.

A connected device

The market currently offers increasingly sophisticated household appliances. So they can be connected to your smartphone or your tablet to allow you to use them remotely. For instance :

  • With a connected washing machine, you can initiate the start of your laundry remotely. This can be an interesting option if you have a subscription with peak hours and off-peak hours. In this way, you will only have to activate the start of your device previously prepared at the desired time.
  • For the refrigeratorthis will allow you to access content remotely to find out what you need to buy when leaving work, for example.

By opting for a connected model, you can also benefit from a remote diagnosis in case of anomalies and thus avoid breakdowns. You can also access the consumption statistics of your devices.

However, these solutions do not only have advantages:

  • of the security failures being possible, you risk being hacked;
  • the price can also be a hindrance. These devices are still sold at a very high price;
  • there may be compatibility issues between the device and the smartphone or tablet;
  • as they must always be connected to Wi-Fithis is not without consequences on energy consumption;
  • Finally, these are more fragile products which you are likely to enjoy for less time.
Connected Appliances
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Your budget

As with any purchase, it is important to set the budget that you want to dedicate to the household appliance that you want to change, trying, as far as possible, to provide a large one. Indeed, if it is possible to find devices at more attractive prices, they are, unfortunately, often less durable and more prone to breakdowns.

Which means that in the longer term, they will cost you more than if you had invested in a quality model. The price is not everything and it can therefore be useful to ask a seller for advice on finding the model with the best value for money.

Other selection criteria

Depending on the device you want to buy. Some additional criteria should be considered:

  • For the washing machine, pay attention to spin efficiency.
  • For the dryeryou will have to choose between a classic model or a heat pump model which is more expensive, but very economical on a daily basis.
  • For the fridge, you must also check the climatic class which allows you to know what the ideal ambient temperature is for good use.

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