Childcare in Grafing: “Luckily he’s here now” – Ebersberg

For the second time in two and a half years, there is a federal voluntary worker – in short: Bufdi – from Tajikistan in the Grafinger forest kindergarten “Waldinsel”. She wanted to know why that is SZ from the head of the kindergarten, Regina Fögler.

SZ: Ms. Fögler, you could slowly open a travel agency specializing in Tajikistan, right?

Regina Fögler: That would probably not be a very successful agency. I locate my professional skills in pedagogy. And I enjoy the work in the forest kindergarten so much that I prefer to leave the Tajik travel agency to those who can do it.

But do you now know a little about the Pamir?

Knowing is probably the wrong verb. But yes: We have had the second “Bufdi” from Tajikistan for a few weeks. They showed me a few photos. The landscape is beautiful!

What made the Grafinger Waldinsel so well known there?

I’d have to digress a bit, okay?

We ask for it!

At that time we received a “Bufdi” application from a young Tajik man. He studied at a university in the Baltic States. I was very impressed by his writing. He really dealt with our concept – and didn’t just go the easy way via the “Bufdi” portal of the federal government. The demand from the institutions is high. He would certainly have received offers immediately via the portal from which he could have chosen.

And the second Tajik “Bufdi”?

It’s related to the first in a few corners. Still, things were pretty complicated.


You need a visa to enter Germany from Tajikistan. This requires a personal appointment at the German Embassy in Dushanbe. When he finally got it and drove there with his documents, it was noticeable that his parents’ written declaration of consent was missing. At that time he was still 17 years old. In any case, he had to make a new appointment, which he only got after two months. Of course I contacted the embassy in Dushanbe and described our problem: that we really need a new “Bufdi”. That we are not exactly overrun by applicants. Couldn’t they kindly speed it up somehow?


No chance. This is an electronic booking system.

In the end, however, everything worked out well.

Yes, luckily he is here now! A friendly – sometimes a bit shy – young man who is interested and knows how to deal with children. Of course it’s a bit unfortunate that he couldn’t start the kindergarten year right away in September. But that’s the way it is now.

And the language barrier?

There is, but it is rather low. He learned German in Tajikistan and had to prove B1 language level according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages ​​for the “Bufdi” application. B1 corresponds to the third of six levels. Those who reach them understand most of them and can express themselves quite adequately. And if there’s a problem, that’s no problem either. In kindergarten things are very relaxed.

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