Chest hair: Why women grow dark chest hair too

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Why women grow dark chest hair too

Women’s breasts come in many shapes – and some are even cuddly hairy.

© Asya_mix / Getty Images

In men, fluffy chest hair is not unusual. But when dark hairs sprout on a delicate woman’s breast, the surprise is great. Is the growth normal?

Tom Selleck’s “Magnum” fur is world famous. And David Hasselhoff once proudly wore his on “Baywatch” for a walk on the beach in Malibu. The frizzy wild growth on the chest may have gone out of fashion, but for many it still stands for pure masculinity. Chest hair, on the other hand, tends not to be associated with a woman’s breasts – all the more irritating when they sprout there anyway. Where do the hairs come from?

Body hair is completely normal, even in places that seem unusual at first glance – such as the female breast. Some women never get chest hair, while others develop it in their teens, during pregnancy, or as late as menopause. Because mostly the dark hair starts to sprout in connection with hormonal changes. It is estimated that almost every third woman has hairy nipples. How thick the hair is depends on genetic and hormonal factors.

Hairy nipples from “male” hormones

In most cases, these are a few soft, dark hairs. This fluff is nothing to worry about. And even strong hair growth does not have to be pathological hair growth. Many factors influence hair growth. However, there are also cases of excessive hair growth where there is a medical problem. If the growth suddenly occurs, a doctor should be contacted. It can indicate a hormonal imbalance and, for example, an increase in androgens, so-called male hormones.

If the body hair resembles that of a man, hair grows in places like the back, chest, chin or upper lip, this is called hirsutism. About five to ten percent of all women of reproductive age are affected by hirsutism. The most common cause of this is polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) – a hormone disorder in the ovaries. Symptoms can include irregular menstruation and acne. However, the strong hormone production can also be caused, for example, by being overweight or as a side effect of a drug such as the pill.

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Fight chest hair with tweezers

Mild hirsutism does not require medical treatment in most cases. If the hairs bother you for aesthetic reasons, you can easily pluck them out with tweezers, for example. Experts advise against using a razor or waxing. “In the worst case, this even promotes hair growth,” says Christian Albring, specialist in gynecology, to RTL. In addition, you can cut yourself when shaving, thereby risking an infection.

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Source: healthy.bund, DGE, RTL,


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