Chess dispute with Niemann: Carlsen gives up after just one move

Status: 09/20/2022 3:16 p.m

World chess champion Magnus Carlsen resigns after just one move in an online tournament. The background is a dispute with opponent Hans Niemann, who has to defend himself against allegations of fraud.

Next scandal between chess world champion Magnus Carlsen and the talented teenager Hans Niemann: The online game on Monday (September 19, 2022) between the two chess professionals as part of the “Julius Baer Generation Cup” lasted only a few seconds. Carlsen gave up after just one move and left the video chat. The chess scene is seething.

Already at the beginning of September there was a scandal between the two opponents. After an unexpected defeat against the American Niemann, Carlsen surprisingly left the “Sinquefield Cup” presence tournament in St. Louis, but did not publicly comment on his motives. On Twitter, he just posted an old interview of soccer star coach José Mourinho, who said: “I prefer not to say anything. If I say something, I’ll get in big trouble and I don’t want to get in big trouble. “

Streamer Nakamura fuels speculation

In the chess scene, Carlsen’s exit was interpreted as allegations of fraud against Niemann. The speculation was fueled, among other things by the American grandmaster Hikaru Nakamura, who reaches an audience of millions with his online streams.

The 19-year-old Niemann was still playing during the “Sinquefield Cup” in St. Louis an emotional interview, in which he admitted and regretted cheating in online games on two occasions as a young teenager, but never in person at the chessboard. It is unclear whether the talented US professional only cheated twice in online games. As part of the Sinquefield Cup allegations, the world’s largest chess platform,, suspended his account citing evidence to support the allegations. The operators of the platform have not yet gone into more detail.

Referees examine the allegations

In fact, investigations by the St. Louis umpires found no evidence of unsportsmanlike conduct in the frame of the 2022 tournament, as confirmed in an official statement – not even by Niemann. All players were frisked daily before entering the competition venue and checked for unauthorized electronic devices. After Carlsen’s exit, the security measures were increased again and, for example, a 15-minute delay in the live stream signal was decided.

The 19-year-old chess player Hans Moke Niemann

Image: Sinquefield Cup

Carlsen’s immediate resignation from the “Generation Cup” draws criticism from the chess scene. The Hungarian grandmaster Peter Leko was “speechless”. Maurice Ashley, US chess player, tweeted: “This is shocking and disturbing. No one can be happy that this is happening in the chess world. Unbelievable!”

“Witch Hunt” against Niemann

From the point of view of the International Champion Jovanka Houska, who commented on the tournament, Carlsen “poured more fuel on the fire” and spoke of a “witch hunt” against Niemann, in which there was no evidence of cheating. In fact, the scandal left its mark on the talented US teenager. After Carlsen’s exit, his sporting form showed downwards at the “Sinquefield Cup”.

But Carlsen’s reputation was also damaged by the affair. The highest-ranked chess player in history seems to be in a crisis of meaning. Since he no longer sees it as a sporting challenge, to defend his world title againwill be in the coming year the Russian Ian Nepomniachtchi and Chinese Ding Liren fight for the World Championship crown in a direct duel.


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