Cheekbone hurts: That could be the reason

If the cheekbones hurt, there can be numerous reasons behind it. In order to find out the cause of the pain and to be able to estimate an appropriate treatment, a palpation examination and often also an MRI are necessary.

Cheekbone hurts – possible causes

The cheekbones sit on the face, below the eye sockets and near the cheekbones. There are many possible causes when pain occurs in this area.

  • If you had chickenpox as a child, the herpes zoster virus remains in the body for life. If at some point in life you suffer from a weak immune system, the virus can manifest itself in the form of shingles or facial erysipelas. Cheekbone pain is then a main symptom.
  • Experience a lot of stress grind their teethhave a misaligned jaw or poorly processed artificial tooth material in the mouth, this can also promote pain in the cheekbones.
  • For the reasons mentioned above, the tense jaw muscles. Then the pain does not only occur in the cheekbone area, but may also extend up to the temples. This usually also leads to problems opening the mouth wide and the jaw joint cracking.
  • Of the trigeminal nerve runs mostly through the cheeks. If the nerve is pinched, cheekbone pain can also occur.
  • Other possible causes are sinus infections, tension in the neck and shoulder area, migraine or inflammation in the oral cavity. Those affected are more likely to suffer from headaches and back pain. The pain in the cheek area is only one possible accompanying symptom.
  • Only the doctor can rule out whether cheek pain is actually a side effect of a serious illness such as a tumor or stroke.

The cause is often not recognizable

If the pain in your cheekbones keeps coming back or persists (often for no reason), you should see a doctor.

  • In this case, your first point of contact is family doctor. Describe any symptoms you have experienced recently. He will certainly ask you many questions about the medical history.
  • Depending on the suspected cause, he will treat you himself or refer you to one peers. In addition to a palpation examination, the cause can also be diagnosed more precisely using an MRI.
  • Subsequent treatment depends on the underlying cause. It is then carried out by the general practitioner, dentist, orthodontist, orthopaedist, neurologist or ear, nose and throat doctor.

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