Checks on job seekers will increase by 25%

Pôle Emploi, which carried out around 400,000 checks on job seekers in 2019, will intensify its efforts by 25% to verify that the unemployed are doing everything possible to return to working life, Minister of Labor Elisabeth Borne announced on Wednesday. RTL. These checks will be carried out by 600 dedicated advisers. “In the next six months, they will carry out 250,000 checks”, specifically on “sectors in tension,” said the minister.

“The Pôle Emploi advisers will check that a job seeker responds to offers, goes to interviews, participates in recruitment sessions or follows the training offered,” she added. “It’s an assessment made over several months, not a cleaver. The answer is graduated. The first time we can temporarily remove your allowance for a month and this can go as far as delisting if we start again, ”explained Elisabeth Borne.

This announcement responds to that of Emmanuel Macron in his speech Tuesday evening: “Job seekers who do not demonstrate an active search will see their allowance suspended”, warned the President of the Republic. This provision is in fact already provided for in the event of a breach of legal obligations.

“It’s quite normal, when we support job seekers as we have never done, that we make sure that they are actually looking for work. Over the five-year term, we have invested 15 billion euros in training for job seekers, ”Elisabeth Borne recalled. The Ministry of Labor has also specified that more than 300,000 vacancies not filled for more than a month would soon be reviewed.

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