“Checker Tobi” inventor: director Johannes Honsell (†45) died | Entertainment

He was behind one of the most popular children’s TV formats in recent years. Now director Johannes Honsell died unexpectedly at the age of just 45. This is what the “Spiegel” reports. Accordingly, Honsell succumbed to cancer on December 27th in Munich.

The filmmaker helped develop the hit show “Checker Tobi”. Explained in the science format Moderator Tobias Krell (37) aka Checker Tobi since 2013 teaches kids of all ages, for example, how the brain works or what happens during a vaccination. Exciting questions prepared in a child-friendly way. Moderator Can Mansuroglu (40) presented the show before Tobias Krell.

Director Johannes Honsell (r.) with “Checker Tobi” Tobias Krell (l.) at a screening of “Checker Tobi and the Journey to the Flying Rivers” in Zurich at the beginning of October

Photo: Francois Glories/SIPA

Johannes Honsell was also behind the successful film “Checker Tobi and the Journey to the Flying Rivers”. Before he went into film, the Salzburg native worked as a journalist for, among others, “Der Spiegel” and “Süddeutsche Zeitung”.

For his film “Living and Dying Check” with Tobias Krell in the leading role, Honsell was nominated for the Grimme Prize and received several awards.

The director leaves behind his wife and their son.

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