Charlène von Monaco: The princess is back with her family

Charlène of Monaco
The princess is back with her family

The reunited princely family after Charlene’s return from Monaco on Monday.

© Eric Mathon / Palais princier

The royal family is reunited: Charlène von Monaco landed back in Europe on Monday after ten months in South Africa.

Princess Charlène von Monaco (43) has European soil under her feet again. As pictures prove which among other things published the “Daily Mail”, her private jet landed at the airport in the French coastal city of Nice on Monday. As she was leaving the aircraft, she was photographed by employees and a dog on the tarmac. After a short walk, we went on to Monaco by helicopter.

Meanwhile, the Prince’s Palace also has the return of Charlène confirmed on the official Facebook page. Regarding three pictures of the reunited family, the post says that Charlène was greeted by her husband Albert, their children and his sister, Princess Stéphanie of Monaco (56), in the early morning. It was a “reunion full of joy and emotions”.

Charlène had been in her home country South Africa for around ten months, more precisely in the third largest city of Durban on the east coast. After a severe ear, nose and throat infection, the doctors forbade her to take the long return flight. Charlène has been married to Prince Albert II since 2011 and has the twins Gabriella and Jacques (both 6).

Prince Albert II has already announced his return

Already a few days ago Albert II betrayed in one Interview with the “People” magazinethat his wife would return before the national holiday on November 19th. The “Bild” newspaper also reportsthat last Monday the doctors gave the green light. The plane is said to have taken off in Durban on Sunday evening at 10:40 p.m. for France.


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