Charlène cancels appearance on the Mongolian national holiday

Appearance canceled
Charlène misses the national holiday – the palace hides her whereabouts

Charlène on the Monegasque National Day in November 2019

© Piovanotto Marco / ABACA / Picture Alliance

It would have been her first official appearance after returning: On November 19, the national holiday is celebrated in Monaco. But the royal family has to do without Charlène. The 43-year-old canceled the appointment.

This news is likely to disappoint fans of the Monegasque dynasty: Princess Charlène will not take part in the celebrations for the national holiday “La Fête du Prince” on November 19th. This was announced by a spokesman for the palace. Albert and Charlène had jointly decided that the 43-year-old had to do without for health reasons and continue to take care of herself.

“The princess is still in the recovery stage and will need more weeks to recover from a general exhaustion,” said a statement that the palace published on its Facebook page, among other things. So that Charlène can relax in peace, her whereabouts should remain a secret. Recently there have been rumors that Prince Albert and his wife live in separate apartments. While he was in the palace, she is said to have moved into a two-room apartment about 300 meters away.

Charlène has been back in Monaco for a few days

Charlène returned to Monaco at the beginning of November after spending several months in South Africa. She originally traveled to her home country in March of this year to support a project run by her foundation against rhinoceros poaching. On site, Prince Albert’s wife contracted a severe ENT infection and had to be operated on several times. Her return trip to the principality was postponed again and again because the doctors had given her a flight ban.

It is not yet known when Princess Charlène will appear in public again. “As soon as her health allows, she looks forward to performing her royal duties and spending time with the Monegasque,” said the palace’s statement. According to the press release, there should be another update on Charlène’s health before Christmas. In mid-December there is traditionally an appointment when the princely family distributes gifts to children in need.


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