Charges against Quincy Promes: Phone tapes show intent to kill

Charges against Quincy Promes: Phone tapes show intent to kill

Quincy Promes, Nederlands Elftal, Oranje

© Proshots

New evidence has been released in the Quincy Promes case. In telephone calls, he openly admitted his intention to kill.

New details have apparently come to light in the criminal case involving 50-time Dutch international Quincy Promes. Accordingly, the 30-year-old admitted in the closest family circle that he tried to stab his cousin in July 2020. This is suggested by recordings of phone calls between Promes and his family that have been released by the Dutch authorities.

In the summer of 2020, for example, Promes called his father a few hours after the incident and asked him why he wanted to protect the victim. “Why did you jump in front of him? You saved his life. I would have killed him. You get me right, don’t you?” Promes said. Ten minutes later he called his aunt and his mother. There he was informed that his cousin was only injured in the leg. His answer: “Then he was lucky.”

Promes gives insights into the motive situation

Promes, who was still in the service of Ajax Amsterdam at the time, was arrested in December 2020 on suspicion of attempted manslaughter and was in custody for a few days. However, he denied his guilt. A few weeks later, in February 2021, he then moved to Spartak Moscow, where he still plays today.

In the course of the phone calls that have now been published, Promes gave insights into his motives. “No one will steal from us. I couldn’t help it. Sorry, aunt, please forgive me. Forgive me everyone, I couldn’t resist. I love you too much,” he said.

And further: “My loyalty is to my aunt. Whoever steals from her, I will kill. Period. I will kill anyone who steals from you, anyone who steals from my mother. There are certain people in the family that I would kill for. “I don’t care. If someone is disrespectful or tries to talk about our family, they will see how I am. Only then will they see who I am – not the footballer, but the other side of me. Thankfully, I’m walking.” I don’t go around with a gun anymore or things would have been even uglier.”

Last November, the public prosecutor’s office in Amsterdam officially filed charges against Promes for attempted manslaughter and serious abuse. It is not yet clear when the process will begin. If found guilty, he faces between 14 and 42 months in prison.


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