Charges against ex-President Trump: clear words for deaf ears


Status: 06/14/2023 08:13 a.m

A look at the indictment against Trump is definitely worthwhile: 41 pages full of clarity and objectivity. A clear contrast to the loud, populist tones of the ex-president and his supporters.

In the USA there is a lot of talk about what young people should not read – but less about which texts should be required reading. One suggestion: the 41-page indictment against Donald Trump. A clear, easy to understand text in factual language, clearly structured, a lesson in civics.

This can be understood without irony. This unexcited indictment brings a soothing calm and clarity. While the US broadcasters have been filming limousines and planes breathlessly arriving and departing for days – zero news value – and while the newspapers update their reports every few minutes, while experts rack their brains as to whether a US President can rule from prison this text first of all only from what happened.

Secret documents in the bathroom

Donald Trump, the former President, took home boxes of documents from the White House, believing they were his. He stored them in restrooms and ballrooms. He has not responded to multiple requests to hand over the material to the National Archives. Apparently he instigated employees to lie about it, possibly even lying himself. And he showed secret documents to unauthorized persons. The American constitutional state will decide what consequences this will have for Trump.

False claims despite clear facts

As clear as this procedure is, the reactions of the conservative world to it are startling. Very few Republicans think Trump must go now. Still, some are shocked at how recklessly he jeopardizes state secrets and the lives of military personnel.

The vast majority, however, ignore the indictment and flatly claim that there is no longer a rule of law in the USA. The judiciary is used by the government to silence an opponent. And anyway: Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton would have done the same and were not prosecuted.

Republicans put Trump above the law

It is depressing that these doubts about the rule of law are being spread not only by well-known extremists, but also by some who want to be president themselves – by those who claim to be different and better than Trump.

Yes, the Democrats have often gone too far and made themselves vulnerable. And Biden is not above the law either. But he is not the one who is destroying democracy in the USA – as Donald Trump claimed again after his day in court. Rather, it is Trump and the Republicans who put Trump above the law.

Editorial note

Comments always reflect the opinion of the respective author and not that of the editors.

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