Chaos after Trump ruling – lawyer now refers to Supreme Court

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The Colorado Supreme Court removes Donald Trump from the 2024 ballot. A judge warns of the possible consequences.

Denver – The turmoil in the USA is great. After the Colorado Supreme Court’s sensational decision to remove former President Donald Trump from the ballot for the 2024 US election, one of the justices warned of possible “chaos” in the United States.

The court ruled 4-3 that Trump was ineligible to run for president because of a Civil War-era clause in the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. However, the outcome of Tuesday’s ruling is being postponed for now, pending Trump’s appeal to the United States Supreme Court.

Three out of four judges in Colorado voted for Trump

The discussion as to whether Trump could be excluded from the elections in several states has been simmering for months. A Colorado court had previously ruled that Trump “incited an insurrection” by supporting the storming of the Capitol. Trump has appealed this. The former president continues to deny any wrongdoing and repeatedly emphasizes that the court’s decision is part of a political witch hunt against him.

Might appeal: Republican presidential candidate and former US President Donald Trump. © JUSTIN SULLIVAN/AFP

Three of the seven Colorado Supreme Court justices held similar opinions. They believed that the former president did not receive a fair trial. Chief Justice Brian D. Boatright voted against expelling Trump, as did Justice Maria E. Berkenkotter and Justice Carlos Samour.

Samour even went one step further. According to the portal, he warned Newsweek facing “chaos” following the verdict. “The decision to exclude former President Donald J. Trump … from the Colorado primary violates the doctrine of due process,” Samour said in his dissenting opinion from the court majority.

Trump verdict in Colorado with possible impact on the US elections

The judge said the ruling sanctioned “makeshift procedures” of pre-conviction that he said did not give the former president a fair trial. “Because most other states do not have the election law provisions that we have… this will inevitably result in President Trump being disqualified from the primaries in some states. Which threatens chaos in our country,” said Samour. He concludes that this is not at all what “the framers of the Constitution intended.”

The Colorado Supreme Court’s ruling applies only to the state, but will have implications for the 2024 presidential race, in which Trump is the Republican front-runner. Colorado election officials said the ballot issue must be resolved by Jan. 5, the deadline by which candidates must appear on primary ballots.

Former Trump lawyer expects clear decision from Supreme Court

Meanwhile, former White House lawyer Ty Cobb commented on Trump’s chances of appealing to the Supreme Court. Cobb said Tuesday CNN, that the US Supreme Court could rule “9-0” in favor of former President Trump. “I think this case will be resolved quickly. I think it could be 9-0 on the Supreme Court for Trump,” Cobb said. And further: “It’s 9-0 because the law is clear.”

“However, the Supreme Court will not hesitate to act quickly on this matter because it knows what is at stake and it knows its responsibility,” Cobbs continued. “And they can push back some of these Colorado dates as much as they feel compelled or need to.”

The Colorado court postponed its decision until January 4 to give Trump the opportunity to appeal to the Supreme Court first. If he does, Trump’s name will automatically remain on the ballot until the country’s top judges rule on the appeal. (skr)

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