Change your life thanks to Françoise Sagan

In our podcast Wait a minute !we are going to talk about existential questions, life changes, and the immense and prolific author Françoise Sagan, who died in 2004. To question her life, and sometimes modify its trajectory, some people will immerse themselves in a development book personal, others will listen to philosophy programmes, while others will prefer reading sacred texts…

And if Sagan invited to let go?

Eve-Alice Roustang, associate of modern letters, doctor of Columbia University, found answers by investigating the novels of Françoise Sagan. In the many novels written by Sagan, who became a literary star at the age of 18, upon the publication of Hello Sadness, Eve-Alice Roustang has found answers to: “How to be happy? », « To be, or not to be unfaithful? or even “Living with or without money? She took the work out of it As in a novel by Sagan, proposals for everyday life to editions Flammarion Versilio (16.90 euros).

What does Sagan propose to initiate a change of life in his novel The Red herrings ? What adaptation when we have taken the step? Does Sagan promote letting go? These are some questions from this interview with Eve-Alice Roustang, specialist in the work of Françoise Sagan, to listen to above.

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