Chancellor Olaf Scholz wants to take a “clear stance” against anti-Semitism

Government statement
The Chancellor is back from Israel and promises a “clear stance” against anti-Semitism

“Anti-Semitism has no place in Germany,” says Chancellor Olaf Scholz in his government statement

© Thomas Köhler / Imago Images

The war in the Middle East is also making itself felt in Germany – through demonstrations and anti-Semitism. Jewish citizens fear for their safety. Chancellor Olaf Scholz doesn’t want to accept that.

Chancellor In view of the sometimes violent riots in Germany, Olaf Scholz has promised toughness in the fight against anti-Semitism. At the same time, the SPD politician again called for the immediate release of the Hamas hostages in the Gaza Strip in the Bundestag on Thursday. In his government statement shortly after returning from a trip to Israel, Scholz also sharply attacked Russian President Vladimir Putin for his statements about the Gaza war. The Chancellor received rare praise from the opposition.

Scholz wants to take action against anti-Semitism in Germany

Scholz announced tough action against anti-Semitism and hostility to Israel. “A clear edge is required” and one should not look away, he said. “Anti-Semitism has no place in Germany, and we will do everything we can to stand against it. We will do this as citizens, as those who bear political responsibility.”

Green party leader Britta Haßelmann was also horrified by the anti-Semitic riots and arson attacks in Berlin, for example. Union parliamentary group leader Friedrich Merz emphasized: “If the sentence is correct – and it is correct – that hatred of Jews and destructive rage against Israel must have no place in our country, then a tough crackdown by the police and the judiciary is now necessary.” FDP parliamentary group leader Christian Dürr demanded: “We have to take action. It can’t just be a matter of words.” In the end there must be convictions.

Gaza War: Humanitarian Aid and Release of the Hostages

Scholz once again called for the release of the Hamas hostages kidnapped in the Gaza Strip. “They must be released without preconditions,” he said. AfD parliamentary group leader Tino Chrupalla accused him of not doing enough about it. The Chancellor, however, received praise from almost all factions for his diplomatic efforts. Being one of the first heads of government to travel to Israel was an important sign of solidarity.

Scholz himself emphasized the importance of humanitarian aid for the people in the Gaza Strip, who are also victims and hostages of Hamas. The Islamist terrorist organization uses the civilian population as protective shields, “which is inhumane,” said Scholz. Speakers across all political groups emphasized that Israel could of course defend itself against the attack. However, the AfD and the Left warned that proportionality must be maintained. There should be no humanitarian disasters.

Winter package for Ukraine and sharp words against Putin

In his government statement, Scholz was outraged by Russian President Vladimir Putin’s statements about the Gaza war. He warned that there would be civilian casualties. “It really doesn’t get more cynical than that,” said Scholz.

The upcoming EU summit, the actual reason for the government statement, will focus not only on the Middle East conflict but also on continued support for Ukraine. Germany will put together a winter package for the country attacked by Russia, said Scholz. “Everything that is necessary for air defense” is central – such as an additional unit of the Patriot anti-aircraft missile system, new Iris-T systems, new Gepard anti-aircraft tanks and the necessary ammunition.

Putin is counting on “we becoming tired and careless in our support for Ukraine,” said Merz. The EU summit must therefore send a signal that he should not hope for this.

A wide range of EU migration policy

Scholz once again promoted the EU asylum package negotiated in Brussels. The reform, which has stalled for years, can now actually succeed, he emphasized. “And I want to be very clear about what this is about: This is a European solidarity mechanism in which, first and foremost, the countries of secondary migration have a vehement interest. So Austria, Germany, the Netherlands, the Scandinavian countries and some others.”

It would be “exactly in our interest” if migrants were registered in the countries where they first arrive, said Scholz. This would of course have to be linked to solidarity-based distribution and faster deportations.

Merz then blamed Scholz for the increasing number of refugees in this country. “And you are responsible for the fact that the communities in Germany have now reached the limit of their capacity and have partly exceeded it.”


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