Champions League – After Seville – Lille – At LOSC, something has changed: “We showed that we were hungry”

For a while, we had to fear that history will repeat itself, that the series of nine years and ten unsuccessful matches in C1 is lengthening. In Seville, this Wednesday, Lille first seemed to relive what they have so often experienced during their last Champions League campaigns. An early goal, first of all. An injustice, then, with an obvious penalty but not whistled by Istvan Kovacs.

In short, all of this did not bode well and yet something had changed. In attitude, in envy and in will, the Mastiffs went to Andalusia to rule out an increasingly heavy routine. Not affected by the oblivion of which they were victims, just after the opening of the Sevillian scoring, when Jonathan David was mown in the opponent’s box by Thomas Delaney (17th), Jocelyn Gourvennec’s men remained mobilized. On a mission.

Renato Sanches and Jonathan Ikoné after the latter’s goal on the Seville lawn

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Strong in the duels (11 won against 9 for the Andalusian club), present at the impact (30 successful tackles against 17), the Lille have found the extra soul that they had so often lacked at the start of the season. “We showed that we were hungry, underlined Jonathan Ikoné, man of the match, at the microphone of Canal +. We gave everything, we did not give up, we were able to come back and score the second. “

We must not forget that we are the champions of France

It took the Mastiffs to find what had made their strength last season to take their destiny in hand in the Champions League: solidarity and resilience. “The quality is always there, underlined the executive José Fonte on the encrypted channel. We must not forget that we are the reigning French champions. You have to be solid and compact like today and if you defend well, you will always have opportunities to be close to victory.. “

At the end of the match, Lille paid dearly for their lack of lucidity and inspiration to scrape precious minutes, collecting six yellow cards in the last quarter of an hour of the meeting. Ikoné and Benjamin André will be suspended for the next day, at home against Salzburg, which could be decisive. But that was the price to pay to end this endless streak without a win in C1. And take their fate in hand in view of the eighth, as Ikoné rejoiced: “We believe in it from the start. “

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