Chamber of Crafts helps with career orientation at Munich schools – Munich

Recognizing your own interests and abilities is difficult. It is even more difficult to derive the right training from this. Visiting a middle school where Serkan Engin from the Chamber of Crafts is promoting internships and an apprenticeship.

Middle school Moosach, a Friday morning, class M8C, middle school class. “Today we’re talking about training in the trades,” says Serkan Engin, who takes care of vocational training for the Chamber of Crafts, both in principle and in very practical terms. He has already visited 44 Munich secondary schools when he stands in front of the M8C. “Have fun, take something with you!” says vice principal Markus Vetterl to the students and slips outside. He now has to go to his sixth grade, “they behave creatively,” he said with a smile.

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