CEO Oliver Kahn before the end?

Martin Volkmar reports from FC Bayern

Fjörtoft said in several tweets the day after Bayern’s Champions League defeat against Manchester City that the Bayern boss was about to leave.

“I’ve been told that there is ‘an ongoing process’ and a ‘question of time’ before Oliver Kahn, Bayern Munich’s CEO, is removed from office,” wrote the usually well-connected TV pundit in somewhat shaky German .

“No, these rumors aren’t true,” FCB President Herbert Hainer told dpa. And Kahn himself was combative. “I’m not wasting a second at the moment worrying about my contract, it’s always about FC Bayern,” he told the “Bild”.

Kahn continued: “The sporting results that we have recently delivered do not meet our expectations. The goal is to get FC Bayern back exactly where they belong: at the top in all competitions. We will turn every stone to achieve this. “

Fjörtoft stands by his statements

At the request of ran Fjörtoft previously said he had said everything and stood by his statements, which he reiterated on a YouTube show that afternoon.

“It’s only a matter of time before he’s removed as Bayern Munich CEO. When you hear things like that, you promise to keep it to yourself. They agree on a time when it’s okay to make it public.” , said the Norwegian there.

According to information from ran Kahn’s future as Bayern CEO is at least questionable despite the contract until 2024 and an early replacement cannot be ruled out.

However, Kahn’s whereabouts are also possible, if only for the lack of suitable alternatives – at least until the end of the season.

FC Bayern: Dissatisfaction with Kahn for a long time

Accordingly, there has long been a great deal of dissatisfaction with Kahn’s work and appearance in the club, which has developed a dangerous momentum for the Bayern boss due to the sporting failures since the change of coach from Julian Nagelsmann to Thomas Tuchel.

Above all, honorary president and supervisory board member Uli Hoeneß is said to be very upset about the development. After the 1-1 draw against Manchester, Hoeneß went into the dressing room but did not want to comment afterwards.

If the supervisory board expresses no confidence in Kahn, further cooperation would be practically impossible and it would then probably only be a matter of a compensation for Kahn, probably worth millions.

Ex-Bayern professional Markus Babbel was surprised by the news. “I would also think it would be a shame if that were the case. You have to leave the church in the village there too, because Uli Hoeneß didn’t do everything right at the beginning either,” he explained ran-Expert.

Fjörtoft: Hainer and Hoeneß as interim bosses in Bavaria

In his further short messages in English, Fjörtoft named Honeneß as well as President and Chairman of the Supervisory Board Hainer as possible transitional candidates at the top of the board.

It is questionable, however, whether the visibly aged Hoeneß would once again muster the strength to return to active business.

And Hainer would not stand for a new beginning due to his close cooperation with Kahn and sports director Hasan Salihamidzic.

Lame as a permanent solution? doubts are warranted

Doubts are also attached to former captain Philipp Lahm, who Fjörtoft mentioned as a permanent solution, against whom there are said to be some reservations in the club.

In addition, Lahm is actually indispensable in his current job as chairman of the organizing committee for the EM 2024 until the summer of next year.

In any case, the future deputy chairman of the board, Michael Diederich, will play an important role. The former boss of Unicredit Bank has only been with Bavaria since April 1st and will officially replace the outgoing CFO and Kahn Vice Jan-Christian Dreesen on July 1st.

FC Bayern: Salihamidzic also under pressure

According to Fjörtoft, Salihamidzic, who was accused of massive misplanning in the composition of the squad after being eliminated from the Champions League and DFB Cup, is also under a lot of pressure.

But he should probably stay because of the support of his mentor Hoeneß. This is also consistent with information from ranwhereby a separation is also not completely ruled out here.

Kahn’s appearance has been criticized for a long time

Fjörtoft also explained the background to Kahn’s alleged impending replacement.

“A coach needs to win over the dressing room. A CEO needs to win over the staff. I feel like Kahn has never been able to win them over and therefore doesn’t have enough lobby/support when things get tough like this.”

In fact, Kahn’s appearance externally and especially internally could be a major reason for a quick end to the activity at the top of FCB, which has only been going on since summer 2019.

The former captain, who played for Bayern Munich from 1994 to 2008, has long been accused of poor or no communication.

It has been repeatedly heard from several quarters that Kahn isolating himself within the club, is hardly tangible on Säbener Strasse and almost only surrounds himself with people he knows well.

Kahn: Hoeneß and Helmer complain about public relations

But his low public presence has repeatedly given rise to criticism. Among other things, in the vaccination debate about Joshua Kimmich at the height of the corona pandemic, Kahn and Salihamidzic went to the diving station, so that ex-coach Nagelsmann had to take over some of their tasks towards the media.

“Oliver Kahn could get even more involved in public relations,” Hoeneß had made his displeasure clear at the beginning of 2022.

But things didn’t get much better after that, as former teammate Thomas Helmer noted. What he really lacks is “external communication. I would also hold Oliver Kahn responsible for that, internally and externally. He simply has to be more active,” said the long-time Bayern professional after the weak 1-1 draw on Saturday against relegation candidate Hoffenheim at “Merkur/tz”:

“After a game like that, he has to stand up and talk! I always like to emphasize that the footsteps of Uli Hoeneß and Karl-Heinz Rummenigge are huge, we all agree on that. You have to grow into it, you sometimes offend, do Mistakes – Uli made that too when he was emotional. But he stood up and took a stand. Oli has to do that too! That’s his job!”

Kahn about criticism after losing against Man City: “I have to deal with it”

Even after the knockout against Man City, Kahn initially considered speaking to the media, but then did. He was also asked about the criticism of his work.

“It doesn’t do much for me. I played here for 14 years, I know what it’s like when you don’t achieve your goals. It happens very quickly, then criticism comes up, you have to accept that. I have to deal with it.” said the 53-year-old when asked by ran.

“I’m also a very reflective person, but at the moment I don’t have much time to think about all that, we have to make sure that we use this master opportunity and then we will think about a lot, think a lot and think about it.”

Fan review: “Brazzo + Kahn: Heroes of yesteryear, whistles of today”

It was also about the attacks by supporters against the board.

“Goals may be missed – but not values ​​of the club! Question management policy!” It said on a huge banner in the south stand.

And a smaller poster read: “Brazzo + Kahn: Heroes of yesteryear, whistles of today.”

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