CEO Animoca Brands Expects We’ll See Many Great Blockchain Games Launch in 2023

Animoca Brands CEO Robby Yung believes that we will see many great blockchain games launch in the first nine months of 2023, as developers will begin launching games after fundraising in 2022.

On the fifth episode of the podcast Hashing It Out Elisha Owusu Akyaw of Cointelegraph and Animoca Brands CEO Robby Yung discussed how the blockchain gaming industry is trying to move forward.

Robby Yung believes the problem has both sides. On the blockchain developer side, Yung argues that the industry is unable to educate the general public about the benefits of blockchain technology. Yung said people need to understand that owning digital assets is a technological advancement. more advanced than anyone

On the other hand, Yung stressed that the gaming industry is conservative. Gamers are reluctant to change. Yung thinks about mobile gamers and free-to-play games. It’s a prime example of conservative culture among gamers.

Yung said that mobile gamers dislike personal computers (PCs), and the console gaming community feels that mobile phones are incapable of providing a true gaming experience. He also cited pushback free-to-play games, the concept of free-to-play and paying for in-game items, where Yung believes the value of blockchain technology will eventually convince traditional gamers.

Some analysts argue that blockchain games are not fun. And monetary rewards alone may not be enough to attract recognition. The CEO of Animoca Brands believes such criticism is unfair for a three-year-old industry. According to Yung, good games take time to create. And he mentioned the mobile gaming industry. Most of the games released before Angry Birds weren’t memorable either.

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