Celine Dion makes her first appearance since her health concerns to support the Ukrainian people

Celine Dion is back on the media scene for a good cause. This Friday, the interpreter of For you to love me again made his first video appearance since announcing his health concerns. “I am acting for Ukraine”, she testifies with her hand on her heart. “To all world leaders, we need you, now more than ever, to answer the call of all activists, advocates and volunteers working to help refugees from Ukraine and around the world. »

She continues. “Tomorrow, you will meet to decide on the help you can provide to these people who have been forced to leave their homes, their countries, their loved ones. Please take action for these refugees all over the world and offer all the financial support you can,” the singer concludes.

A few days after the attack on Russia, Celine Dion posted a message on her social networks saying she was “shocked and saddened but also greatly inspired by [la] bravery” of the Ukrainian people.

“Severe and persistent” muscle spasms

Late last year, the star postponed the launch of her show in Las Vegas due to “severe muscle spasms” before canceling all of her performances on her North American tour. “I was really hoping to be ready to go back on stage now, but I find that I have to be more patient and follow the recommendations of my doctors,” the singer wrote on social networks.

For its part, the production of the show had given more details on the health problem encountered by the star. “She was recently treated for severe and persistent muscle spasms which prevent her from performing, and her recovery is taking longer than she expected,” it read. For the time being, the European part of Celine Dion’s tour, supposed to start on May 25 in Birmingham, England, is maintained.

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