Celebrity News: Markus Söder doesn’t wear pajamas at night – Panorama

Markus Söder57, Bavarian Prime Minister, does not wear pajamas at night. He revealed this intimate secret to a boy who wanted to know whether he ate breakfast in his pajamas. Söder published a video of the children’s interview on his Instagram account. As a rule, he wears a T-shirt “and something else, er, pants” when he goes to sleep. He described in detail which superheroes were printed on the T-shirts. But: “I don’t think I’ve ever had breakfast in my pajamas.” He gets up very early in the morning and leaves the house by seven o’clock at the latest.

(Photo: Evan Agostini/dpa)

Whoopi Goldberg68, actress, eats her cat’s treats. After a visit to the Vatican last Friday, she said, in the talk show “The View”accidentally ate cat food. “Maybe I was more jet-lagged than I thought.” She woke up at two in the morning and wanted some pretzel sticks that were lying next to her bed. Her daughter had also put cat food there, “so that when the cat wanted treats, it could climb up and get some,” Goldberg said. She put a few of the supposedly salty snacks in her mouth and then asked herself: “Why do they taste so bad?” Only then did she recognize the cat snacks in her hand.

(Photo: Jens Kalaene/dpa)

Harald Glööckler59, fashion designer with a penchant for glitter and double umlauts, is only moderately convinced that the pink and purple jersey of the national football team is a fashion innovation. “I like the colors and the cut,” he told the German Press Agency. “It definitely attracts attention.” However, he would not go so far as to say that the jersey could symbolize a generally fashion-conscious Germany. “But it is important to try new things. Everything is changing,” said Glööckler. According to supplier Adidas, the away jersey has become a “bestseller” in recent weeks.

(Photo: Christian Charisius/dpa)

Kai Flathmann43, member of the national team fan club, was shot by striker Niclas Füllkrug31, was kicked into hospital. For 195 euros he had got hold of a super ticket that entitled him to sit in the front row of the stadium in Munich, he told the Picture-NewspaperDuring the national team’s warm-up, Füllkrug shot at the goal – but the ball hit Flathman, who was sitting diagonally behind him. His broken hand had to be treated in hospital, and he could only follow the game on his cell phone instead of in the stadium.

(Photo: Kirsty Wigglesworth/dpa)

Rod Stewart79, British singer, assures the people of Ukraine of his solidarity. “Putin must be stopped,” he told the British news agency PA, after boos and whistles were heard at one of his concerts in Leipzig when the Ukrainian flag and a picture of Zelensky were shown. “I’m having the time of my life playing for the German audience,” he said, according to PA. He is looking forward to playing his remaining dates. Concerts are still planned in Hamburg, Cologne and Munich.

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