CDU interior expert sharply criticizes traffic light plans for migration – domestic politics

CDU interior expert Christoph de Vries (46) has sharply criticized the planned migration policy of a possible traffic light coalition.

Against the background of the refugee crisis on the German-Polish border, de Vries said on BILD Live: “On the one hand, we have the change of lane that all (traffic light) parties want, there should be more family reunification for refugees, these are all not good signals, but rather Pull effects. ”These signals from the SPD, Greens and FDP are“ not particularly clever ”because they“ encourage many to set off ”.

In plain language: The traffic light plans would presumably lead to MORE illegal migration.

De Vries warns of the current situation at the border: “The fact is, we now have a situation where the alarm signals are increasing. We had more illegal entries via Poland in October than in the entire period from January to September. ”

That is why “watching is not an option either”, the “migration issue” would come “back on the political agenda with full force”.

Means: On the one hand, the pressure on Belarus dictator Alexander Lukashenko (67) must be increased. And: “For example, we have to talk about blacklisting airlines across Europe that are taking part.”

Improved external border protection by Frontex should also be promoted. But: “If that doesn’t lead to success, then we also need measures at the internal borders with Germany.”

He does NOT exclude controls at the German-Polish border.

No border controls would be “fatal for all of Europe”

The chairman of the Federal Police Union, Heiko Teggatz (48), had previously sounded the alarm: In his letter to Seehofer, he urged the “introduction of temporary border controls to Poland”!

Horst Seehofer (72, CSU) reacted on Monday to the fire letter from the federal police union revealed by BILD. According to BILD information, the interior minister wants to bring the issue into the cabinet on Wednesday – and bring about a quick decision. Last week, Seehofer discussed with the federal police leadership to what extent border controls were feasible.

Teggatz on Tuesday morning at BILD Live: “We don’t want to close borders, we just want to know who is coming into the country, and that by means of stationary controls.” do not decide to introduce temporary border controls, that would be fatal for all of Europe. “

► Brandenburg’s Interior Minister Michael Stübgen (62, CDU), on the other hand, expresses skepticism about possible stricter controls on the German-Polish border. Every day, between 100 and 150 people arrive in Brandenburg on the Belarus route via Poland, said Stübgen on Deutschlandfunk. But stronger controls or even a temporary closure of the border would only combat the symptoms of a development.

► FDP parliamentary group Vice Stephan Thomae (53) sees inner-European border controls only as a last resort. Stationary controls at the internal borders are “not the miracle cure they are often viewed as”, since the internal European borders cannot be completely controlled, he told the dpa.

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