CCC spokesman Neumann on digitalization, network policy and the hype topic of AI – economy

Linus Neumann, spokesman for the Chaos Computer Club, explains how humanity can be saved from the AI ​​apocalypse and names the federal government’s network policy mistakes.

For the first time since the outbreak of the coronavirus, the Chaos Computer Club (CCC) met for its congress in Hamburg at the turn of the year. More than 10,000 hackers exchanged ideas about hardware and software, listened to lectures about network politics or climate change and celebrated themselves. Linus Neumann has been the spokesman for the CCC for a good ten years. The psychologist and hacker helps companies defend against cyberattacks. Neumann is repeatedly asked for his opinion by the federal government on digitalization projects. But he and other experts are not always heard. Things were briefly different during the corona pandemic. The federal government had the Corona warning app programmed with the express support of the CCC.

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