Caught in the act of theft by an off-duty policeman in a Paris-Strasbourg TGV

A 39-year-old man appeared in court on Thursday in Strasbourg for having stolen his credit card and a 50-euro ticket from his traveling neighbor, in a Paris-Strasbourg TGV, report the Latest News from Alsace.

The facts happened on Tuesday. The traveler left her seat and slipped her purse under her seat to answer a phone call. On her return, she found her bag open. Asking his neighbor to return his belongings, the latter pretended to find them on the ground. But a witness claimed to have seen him search the bag. It was finally an off-duty policeman who intervened and discovered the 50 euro note rolled under the defendant’s seat.

Judged in immediate appearance, he was finally sentenced to two months in prison. A reprieve for similar facts was partially revoked, before he was imprisoned.

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