Catholic Church: Stetter-Karp wants official blessings for queer couples quickly

Catholic Church
Stetter-Karp quickly wants official blessings for queer couples

Irme Stetter-Karp, President of the Central Committee of German Catholics (ZdK) and the Synodal Path. Photo: Sebastian Cgollnow/dpa/archive image

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The progressive forces in the Catholic Church keep up the pressure. The President of the Central Committee of German Catholics hopes for further progress for homosexual couples in her church.

Blessing services for same-sex couples should “become a matter of course as soon as possible” in the Catholic Church. The demands of the President of the Central Committee of German Catholics (ZdK), Irme Stetter-Karp.

Around this Tuesday (May 10), 80 blessing services for queer couples will take place in Catholic churches in Germany. Stetter-Karp told the German Press Agency that she hoped that blessings would soon become the norm – concerted actions such as nationwide blessing services would then no longer be necessary.

Nobody should have to hide in the church

“A church that wants to be credible and philanthropic should not refuse God’s blessing, but donate it,” said Stetter-Karp. «I am happy for every blessed couple who want to walk their life path together and responsibly, who rely on trust and commitment. I hope that no one who is volunteer or full-time in my church has to hide their sexuality.” The ZdK therefore also supported the #OutInChurch initiative in January, which calls for a reform of Catholic labor law.

Blessings of queer couples are to be legitimized by the currently ongoing reform process in the Catholic Church in Germany, the Synodal Way. In the end, however, a two-thirds majority of the bishops would have to vote for it. “I cannot foresee the decision, but I hope that blessing ceremonies will receive a positive vote from the large majority of German bishops,” said Stetter-Karp. The synodal path is organized by the German Bishops’ Conference together with the ZdK, the representative of the Catholic lay people (non-clergy).


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