Catholic Church: Pope in hospital after surgery – Vatican counters concerns

Catholic Church
Pope after surgery in the hospital – Vatican counters concerns

Pope Francis in St. Peter’s Square in Rome. photo

© Grzegorz Galazka/Mondadori Portfolio via ZUMA/dpa

A day after his operation, Pope Francis’ general health is described as good. The pontifex is now resting on the program – some appointments have been canceled.

After a three-hour operation on Pope Francis’ open abdomen, the Vatican has allayed concerns about the health of the Church leader. The head of the Catholic Church spent a quiet first night in Rome’s Gemelli Clinic, and his general health is good, the Holy See said. In the evening it was said that the values ​​​​of the 86-year-old were stable, he was given liquid food.

The check-ups showed good results, it said. Now, however, Francis must continue to rest and recover. There had been concerns about the health of the pontiff, mainly because of the general anesthetic. Vatican spokesman Matteo Bruni reported that Francis was touched by the many good wishes for a recovery. He spoke briefly on the phone to a woman whose young son, Miguel Angel, he had baptized in late March while he was staying at Gemelli Hospital.

The pope had an operation on Wednesday for a laparocele, a hernia in the intestine. The treating surgeon, Sergio Alfieri, reported on Wednesday evening that Francis would have to stay in the clinic for five to seven days for observation and recovery after the procedure. If the pope then feels fit, he can go about his duties again, added Alfieri. He only advised him against physically demanding activities.

Big event takes place – without Pope

As a precaution, all planned audiences in the Vatican were canceled until June 18th. However, a major event for peace planned for Saturday at St. Peter’s Square should continue to take place – just without the Pope. A major appeal for peace is to be published at the event, to which almost 30 Nobel Prize winners and celebrities such as opera and pop stars Andrea Bocelli and Al Bano are expected. Towards the end of the event, a symbolic “hug” of young people with the Pope was actually planned.

The traditional Angelus prayer is also scheduled for Sunday. The Pope could theoretically also speak this in the hospital – as he had already done in 2021 following his bowel operation at the time on the balcony of the Gemelli Clinic.

There are also two trips abroad on Francis’ agenda for the summer, which he is currently scheduled to start as planned: First, at the beginning of August, he is going to Lisbon in Portugal for World Youth Day and at the end of August to Mongolia, where the pontiff will be on an apostolic journey five days.

Pope also works in the hospital

Even when Francis had to stay in hospital for three days in March shortly before Easter because of pneumonia, he worked in his private apartment on the tenth floor of the hospital. Cardinal Secretary of State Pietro Parolin announced on Wednesday that the Pope could also pursue his most important tasks in the clinic and that he would be supported.

The Argentinian, who is popular with many believers, is now receiving numerous recovery wishes. The Bambino Gesù children’s hospital in Rome, which belongs to the Vatican, published a picture drawn by children with colored pencils, on which the Pope can be seen in his sick bed – with the words “Don’t be afraid – we are with you” and a heart and the signatures of four children. The Holy See said Francis thanked them for the prayers and good wishes. He asks that prayer be continued for him and his health.

Despite his age, Francis generally has no intention of downsizing. This is also why he rarely allows himself phases of rest and downtime so as not to appear weak or frail. The Argentinian, who is in a wheelchair because of a knee problem, wants to avoid giving the impression that he can no longer carry out his duties properly. He still has important issues to work on – such as his commitment to peace in the face of Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine. He recently sent Cardinal Matteo Zuppi to Kiev for talks.


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