Catholic Church: Pope castigates abortion and surrogacy

Catholic Church
Pope castigates abortion and surrogacy

Pope Francis on gender reassignment: A body must be accepted and respected as it was created. photo

© Andrew Medichini/AP/dpa

The Vatican has been working on a policy letter on human dignity for several years. There the Pope is now criticizing abortions, surrogacy and gender reassignment.

In a new policy statement Pope Francis denounced abortions and the carrying of children by surrogate mothers as serious violations of human dignity. In the letter published by the Vatican in Rome, the head of the Catholic Church also castigated gender reassignment and “gender theory” as serious violations of the God-given human dignity. “Wanting to control oneself (…) means nothing other than giving in to man’s age-old temptation to make oneself into God,” it says there.

A human being – even if still unborn – is always something sacred and inviolable, according to the letter. This applies in every situation and every phase of his development. Aborting a pregnancy means nothing other than denying human dignity to the “most defenseless and innocent of all.” The 87-year-old Pope has long been considered a strict opponent of abortion. The statement also criticizes legislation that promotes abortion.


The Pope has a similar objection to surrogacy. The text says that a child becomes a “mere object” and the woman’s dignity is violated for profit reasons. The legitimate desire to have a child cannot be converted into a right to have a child. The pontiff has already described the practice as reprehensible in the past and called for a worldwide ban.

In surrogacy, a woman carries a child for so-called intended parents and leaves it to them after the birth. The reasons for this are diverse. In Germany, as in many other countries, surrogacy is prohibited. Mediation is also punishable in Germany. In some countries, however, surrogacy is permitted with certain restrictions.

Gender adjustments

The Vatican also took a clear position on the question of gender adjustments: A body must be accepted and respected as it was created. The human body is endowed with personal meanings, especially in its sexual nature. Gender reassignment risks threatening the unique dignity that a human being possesses from the moment of conception.

The declaration, called “Dignitas infinita” (in German: “Infinite Dignity”), was published after years of preparation by the Vatican Dicastery for Doctrine of the Faith under the leadership of Cardinal Victor Manuel Fernández, who, like the Pope, comes from Argentina. Francis had previously approved it.

“Gender Theory”

In addition, it should be seen as a violation of human dignity that in some places people are imprisoned, tortured and even deprived of their lives because of their sexual orientation. According to the declaration, every person must be respected in their dignity and received with respect. Nevertheless, the “gender theory” should be criticized because it claims to make everyone equal and eliminate differences, which is very dangerous. The document speaks of “ideological colonizations”.

The topics addressed in “Dignitas infinita” also include war, poverty, migration and human trafficking. Violence against women is also a global scandal. The inequalities between women and men are therefore very serious in some countries. Femicide, i.e. when women are killed because of their gender, cannot be condemned enough, according to the letter.

The chairman of the German Bishops’ Conference (DBK), Georg Bätzing, described the declaration from Rome as welcome in a statement. It is an encouragement for everyone who works to respect human dignity. At the same time, in his words, it is meritorious and full of prospects. Bätzing hopes that “Dignitas infinita” will receive a lively reception and discussion as well as a blessed impact story.

Declaration (German) DBK announcement


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