Catholic Church: Marx apologizes to queer people – Munich

Catholic Cardinal Reinhard Marx has apologized for his church’s treatment of queer people. “It is a tale of woe for many people,” said the archbishop of Munich and Freising on Sunday at a service marking the 20th anniversary of the queer community in Munich’s St. Paul church. The church made life difficult for many lesbian and gay people. He demanded “that you have to see what injuries we have caused”” Sorry,” he said.

All relationships that followed the “primacy of love” could be “accepted by God,” Marx emphasized. “And we think we could conduct and determine exactly” who is allowed to say to whom: ‘I love you.'” He wishes for “a church that includes”. It is also important to take those who find it difficult. “Even I couldn’t have imagined being here with you 20 years ago, maybe 15 years ago,” admitted Marx. He was pleased that things had changed, “that we weren’t standing still”.

The Catholic reform movement “We are Church” sees the celebration with Marx as a “sign of a turn towards rainbow pastoral care” and a “new, more open attitude towards homosexuality and LGBTIQ”, said “We are Church” spokesman Christian Weisner. LSBTIQ stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and queer people.

At the beginning of the service, several members of the queer community thanked Marx for coming, including a trans woman who was born a man and had lived as a monk in a monastery for years. An 88-year-old confessed that he no longer believed that he would be able to experience this.

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