Catharina Schauer, the newcomer to the “mountain friends” – Munich

From self-portrayal to fear of heights: Allianz manager Catharina Schauer not only climbs very well, she also talks about it in an entertaining way in the BR podcast “Bergfreunde”.

Recently, the ICE from Berlin to Munich was so full that she couldn’t find a seat. So she stood. And from time to time she just lay down on the floor to do her stretching exercises. The daily stretching on the mat, even if in this case it was probably not a swept floor, is good for her as a balance to all the physically harder sports, she has found. Catharina Schauer, 1.60 meters tall and petite, climbs a lot, runs marathons or half marathons, and does demanding mountain tours. In summer, for example, the “Spitzing Reib’n extreme”: 30 kilometers, 2200 meters in altitude, ten peaks. In one day, mind you. She likes to push her body to its limits. Leaves for running training at six in the morning or goes climbing in Freimann before work starts, because the hall there opens at seven o’clock.

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