Cat with four ears becomes an Instagram hit

See in the video: “I love you Midas” – four-eared kitten is a hit on Instagram

Midas the cat goes viral.

The reason: Not only is she cute, she also has four ears.

Two smaller ears grow out of the normal pair of ears.

The four-month-old kitten was adopted by Canis Dosemei in Turkey in early October.

Cani’s friend came across a stray cat that gave birth to seven kittens.

One of them was Midas.

The four-legged friend is now a little star on Instagram and has 68,000 followers.

The fans are enthusiastic about the extraordinary animal:


Fortunately, the four ears are not a hearing impairment for the cat.

They are the result of a genetic mutation Midas inherited from her parents.

In the meantime, the cat has settled in really well with the Dosemei family.

And she even has animal company in her new home: Her flatmates also include two Labradors.

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