Castrations and amputations: Long imprisonment for a man from England

Long prison sentence for man for “medically unnecessary amputations and castrations”

A verdict has now been handed down at the Old Bailey Court in London in a case involving multiple, non-consensual castrations

© Jonathan Brady / DPA

One group drugged their victims and then persuaded them to castration. In the almost unbelievable sounding case, the verdict was now handed down against the main defendant.

The mastermind of a group that carries out medically unnecessary amputations and who carried out castrations was sentenced to life imprisonment in England. The 46-year-old, who also made hundreds of thousands of pounds on videos and photos of the “dangerous, unnecessary and life-changing” operations, must spend at least 22 years in prison, London’s Old Bailey criminal court ruled on Thursday. The court cited a mixture of sexual satisfaction and financial reward as the motive.

Castration conspiracy victim contacted police

In total there were around 30 incidents between 2016 and 2022. The man pleaded guilty to conspiracy to cause grievous bodily harm. He had his penis removed and a leg frozen, so he is now dependent on a wheelchair. He recruited other men to help him, nine of whom – including a German – had previously been sentenced to prison.

The group was busted after a victim contacted the police. The person said he was drugged and talked into undergoing an operation he did not agree to.


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