“Cash for Rares”: Turtle creates excitement in the expert room

“Cash for rares”
“I’m having fun with it”: Turtle creates enthusiasm in the expert room

This turtle serves as a table bell – and causes excitement at “Cash for Rares”.


Horst Lichter wasn’t the only one who enjoyed this: a table bell in the shape of a turtle attracted great interest from “Bares für Rares”.

When Horst Lichter entered the studio of “When he enters “Bares for Rares”, he finds the expert Colmar Schulte-Goltz, but not an object that he can examine. Ute Bitz and her son-in-law Benedikt Buhl personally brought it with them. It is a small turtle.

While the presenter is still puzzling over what the animal is all about, the saleswoman explains to him that it is a table bell. That’s entirely to Lichter’s taste. He lets it ring hard and is happy: “I’m having fun with it!” Bitz reports that her mother’s aunt used to call her servants with the bell. Since no one comes to her place, she now wants to part with it.

“Cash for Rares”: The expert corrects the desired price downwards

Schulte-Goltz explains that there is a winding mechanism inside the turtle, which makes it possible to trigger a bell when touched. He names the Boj company, founded in the Basque Country in 1905, as the manufacturer. The expert dates the production period to between the 1950s and 1970s.

The mother and son-in-law would like 435 euros for their turtle, Benedikt Buhl justifies the sum with the new price of comparable models. Colmar Schulte-Goltz doesn’t quite agree with that: but he still thinks 350 to 400 euros is possible. The two sellers would try it for that.

Before the auction begins, Ute Bitz hopes that “Schildi” will end up in good hands. In fact, the traders also have a lot of fun making the turtle ring. Since everyone present bids, the price quickly rises to 380 euros.

But Benedikt Buhl proves to be a good negotiator and lures Markus Wildhagen out of Markus Wildhagen’s ribs for an extra 20 euros. The ringing animal changes hands for 400 euros. A great business.

Watch the video: “Cash for Rares”: Exciting and curious facts about the junk show on ZDF.

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