“Cash for Rares”: Saleswomen want to give their item to Horst Lichter

“Cash for rares”
Horst Lichter would like to have the boat – but the dealers are in a frenzy

Horst Lichter falls in love with an old shuttle in “Bares für Rares”.


This object was entirely to Horst Lichter’s taste: An old weaving shuttle was up for auction at “Bares für Rares” – the saleswomen would have liked to give it to the presenter.

“That’s beautiful,” says happily Horst Lichter said when he saw the object on the expert table, “a work of art”. Sven Deutschmanek, on the other hand, only speaks of a “standing piece” because the main component is actually missing. Lea Benitz and her godmother Brigitte Nienhaus brought the old piece to “Bares für Rares”. Benitz’s mother bought it years ago at an antique market. But what exactly is it actually about?

This is where Deutschmanek’s expertise is called upon to reveal the secret: Years ago he was allowed to clear out the household of a man who collected looms, and so he identified the object as a loom shuttle. He expertly explains how such a loom works to those present, and Lichter in particular listens in amazement. He finds the piece decorative and enjoys turning the wheels: “It calms you down.”

“Cash for Rares”: Horst Lichter is thrilled

Lea Benitz would like 30 euros for the boat. A price idea that the expert is happy about: Sven Deutschmanek thinks only 20 to 30 euros is possible. The two saleswomen console each other: “If the sale doesn’t go through, we still have a suitable birthday present for Horst,” says Benitz, referring to the moderator’s enthusiasm.

But this does not occur. In the dealer room, the auction takes on its own dynamic. With his starting bid of 50 euros, Wolfgang Pauritsch exceeds the original price and estimated value. Walter “Waldi” Lehnertz increases with his obligatory 80 euros. David Suppes makes the sum three figures and offers 100 euros. But the bidding didn’t end there: Elke Velten-Tönnies ultimately bought the property for 110 euros. The sellers received multiples of the estimated value and are correspondingly satisfied.

There is only one downer: “Unfortunately, Horst is now left empty-handed. No present for him,” says Lea Benitz. At least the two women took a photo: “Then he’ll get the photo for his birthday,” says Brigitte Nienhaus happily.

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