“Cash for Rares”: Saleswoman turns Horst Lichter’s head

“Cash for rares”
“Recorder player who likes to drive fast cars”: Saleswoman turns Horst Lichter’s head

Saleswoman Antoinette von Boven impressed “Bares für Rares” presenter Horst Lichter.


This woman was exactly to Horst Lichter’s taste: the “Cash for Rares” presenter had to deal with a recorder player who likes fast cars. He almost forgot the reason for her visit.

Horst Lichter is initially on the wrong track when the saleswoman enters the studio of “Bares for Rares” and introduces herself as Antoinette. “Ah, the name suggests: The lady probably comes from France.” But the full name is Antoinette van Boven, the woman lives in Krefeld and originally comes “from the beautiful Netherlands “. Oops, the moderator made a serious mistake.

But when the 65-year-old mentions her hobby, the ice is broken: “I’m a recorder player who likes to drive fast cars,” she says. Lichter is in love with shock. “You are the burner,” says the moderator. “What are we going to do with you now?”

“Cash for Rares”: The expertise is significantly lower

Van Boven now remembers the reason for her visit: she wants to sell a sparkling diamond brooch for a friend. The old lady would like to use the proceeds to have a barrier-free bathroom built. Wendela Horz explains that it is a sickle brooch set with old European cut diamonds and was created around 1880.

The girlfriend would like 3,000 euros, reveals von Boven. But the expert doesn’t want to go along with that: she values ​​the jewelry at 1,000 euros. The musician still wants to try her luck.

And indeed: the dealers like the brooch. Wolfgang Pauritsch starts with 650 euros. Fabian Kahl and Elke Velten-Tönnies also take part, but the bids initially only rise to 850 euros. But when van Boven points out that she is not allowed to sell for less than a four-figure sum, Pauritsch pulls together and puts the requested 1,000 euros on the table. The seller has reached the estimated value. She is happy with the proceeds – and now hopes that her friend is happy too.

Watch the video: “Cash for Rares”: Exciting and curious facts about the junk show on ZDF.

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