Carrot oil for skin and hair: application & effects

Comprehensive care
Natural vitamin booster: carrot oil promotes healthy skin and hair

Good for skin and hair: carrot oil is rich in healthy vitamins

© ALLEKO / Getty Images

Carrots are tasty and healthy, that’s no secret. What many do not know, however, is that the oil obtained from root vegetables is a popular care product for skin and hair.

Carrots are enjoying growing popularity in the cosmetics industry. The carotene it contains is now found in numerous skin masks and face creams, face oils and hair care products. But root vegetables are also popular in their pure form, i.e. as pure oil – above all to improve the complexion of the skin. Due to its high vitamin content, it also supplies damaged hair with important nutrients, so that – with regular use – it looks healthier and more well-groomed. And that is by no means all that carrot oil extracted from the roots can do.

Effect and application: carrot oil for the skin

Carrot oil has a number of advantages: It improves the complexion, ensures a healthier complexion and counteracts natural skin aging.

  1. More moisture
    Do you suffer from dry and cracked skin? Then Carrot oil the right choice if you are looking for a care product that provides the skin with sufficient moisture. Especially in the winter months, the skin is particularly stressed, so that the high vitamin A content of the root vegetables is an ideal supplement both during the night and during the day.
  2. Fresh complexion
    Due to the carotene contained in the carrots, the oil ensures regular (but more economical) Facial care for a healthier complexion by looking like a light one Foundationacts as a kind of primer. It makes pale skin appear darker and gives it the necessary kick of freshness. However, the carrot oil should be applied evenly to avoid unsightly stains.

  3. Anti aging
    Actually works Carrot oil also counteracts natural skin aging by protecting and renewing skin cells from UV radiation. More precisely, it is the vitamin A it contains, which firms the skin and gives it a healthy, fresh complexion. For the same reason, the oil can also counteract blemishes.

Regardless of the reason you resort to carrot oil, that use Always stays the same: First you should clean your face thoroughly and moisten it slightly, then warm a few drops of oil between your palms and then massage them evenly into your skin.

Effect and application: carrot oil for the hair

Carrot oil Not only improves the complexion, but also supplies damaged or dry hair with important nutrients. In particular, tips that are susceptible to split ends can be strengthened and cared for through regular use. It is important, however, that you do not treat your scalp with the oil, as the carotene it contains could turn it orange. And if you suffer from a dry or sensitive scalp that is prone to dandruff, carrot oil is only partially recommendable: It should be used sparingly.

Before you start with the treatment To begin with, you should place a dark towel over your shoulders so that the oil doesn’t stain clothes – which are difficult to remove. Then proceed as follows:

  1. Warm up some carrot oil, for example over a water bath, and then massage it evenly into the ends of your hair.
  2. Leave the oil on for ten to 15 minutes before washing it off your hair with warm water.

Making carrot oil yourself: this is how it works

You can easily produce the carrot oil obtained from the root vegetables yourself – with a little more expenditure of time. You only need a few ingredients for this, such as:

  • 20 ml sesame oil (cold pressed)
  • an organic carrot
  • a mason jar with a lid
  • a glass bottle (sterile)
  • a saucepan
  • a tea towel

Before you start making it, the carrot must be finely grated. The “shavings” are then placed in the glass together with the sesame oil, which is then placed in a hot water bath. Heat the contents until the oil turns a light golden color. Then sieve the contents through a clean tea towel and fill them into a sterile glass bottle that has been boiled out beforehand.

And one more note at the end: Carrot oil is free of synthetic substances and is therefore also suitable for sensitive skin types and allergy sufferers. An important indicator of the natural composition of the product is an ECO and BIO seal, which you should look out for when buying.

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